Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Two Years Maintenance) In Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam

Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Two Years Maintenance) In Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam
Project status: Ongoing

Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Two Years Maintenance) In Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam

Tebuk Mendeleng, located adjacent to Kg Dato Homat, Sabak Bernam, Selangor, is an area of importance for fishing activities supporting the livelihood of local communities and it serves as an important riparian buffer zone.

However, it is now a desolated area due to unsustainable construction of aquaculture farms which have been abandoned. This had resulted in degraded water resources and diminished its values for the local community.

This project will support community participation to rehabilitate and protect (tree planting & maintenance) the degraded mangrove forests in the area in collaboration with Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn. Bhd. (ISF) for 3 years’ period. The activities include:

  • Undertake the replanting of 2 hectares of degraded mangrove in Tebuk Mendeleng, Sabak Bernam for the first and second year (additional replanting of 2 hectares will be determined in the second year); and
  • Monitoring and prevention of local illegal activities and carrying out the maintenance work at the planting site


  • Sabak Bernam District Office and Department of Drainage and Irrigation – Management agency of the proposed planting site (or representative of district government agency)
  • Pertubuhan Sahabat Hutan Bakau Kamppung Dato’ Hormat – Local communities in Kampung Dato’ Hormat and Sungai Air Tawar


  • Replanting and maintenance of 2 hectares (ha) of degraded mangrove areas with participation from local communities in Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam for the first and second year (additional replanting of 2 ha will be confirmed in the second year);
  • Demonstrate the important role of ISF and local community involvement in mangrove rehabilitation and protection programme; and
  • Demonstrate the importance of local community participation in enhances mangrove education, awareness and conservation programme locally
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