Changing mindsets to combat river pollution

With all the attention on the environment, it’s hardly news when a green project goes right. On the contrary, it’s the slip-ups that get the headlines these days.

But there’s something about the success story of Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) Foundation’s Sungai Way rehabilitation project that stands out.

Eighteen months ago, Sungai Way, a tributary of Sungai Pencala, was considered a dead river. It was especially susceptible to pollution as it flows through an urban area consisting of residential, commercial and industrial sections.

It was so bad that when the Global Environment Centre (GEC) tested the water quality in the river in two spots only a kilometer apart, it found that the quality changed from Class I (pure drinkable water) to Class V (so polluted it can barely support any life form) based on the Water Quality Index (WQI), within that short stretch.

Residents around the area largely contributed to the problem with indiscriminate rubbish dumping, but when GAB Foundation approached them and offered a solution, they slowly but surely embraced the efforts for a cleaner river.

And so began the change. The three communities living along the river started clearing the river of rubbish, and gradually, instead of discarding wastes into the river, they discarded old habits.

They took part in programmes and activities organised by the GAB Foundation. These include building habitats along the river banks and in the rivers.

As a result of their efforts, there are now signs of marine life in Sungai Way. The catfish, snakehead fish and eels have made a comeback, and along the banks, birds and dragonflies have become a common sight; all signs to indicate that things are turning around for the better.

The community’s commitment with support from the W.A.T.E.R. (Working Actively Through Education and Rehabilitation) Project, a pioneer initiative by GAB Foundation in partnership with GEC, has proven that indeed, ordinary folk can make a difference.

The project

The Sungai Way rehabilitation effort is only the beginning of W.A.T.E.R., a three year project. Its aim is to improve the water quality and enhance the aesthetics of affected rivers.

However, the success of such a project will ultimately hinge on getting the full cooperation of the people living in and around the area. With Sungai Way, GAB Foundation has demonstrated that with a little bit of investment, of not only funds, but time and effort, a lot can be achieved in a relatively short time.

Residents near Sungai Way were made aware of the importance of water and how each and everyone of them are actually stakeholders who should uphold their responsibility as joint caretakers of the rivers. They were shown how a cleaner river could improve the quality of life.

Activities organised included workshops and training sessions such as that on recycling and composting waste material, as well as water quality monitoring exercises.

A resource and support centre, equipped with related reading materials, river test equipment, and a discussion room for the Sungai Way community was constructed to help the local community monitor and learn more about Sungai Way.

Adjacent to the cabin, a recycling and composting centre for the local community to recycle their rubbish or convert it into bio-enzyme was set up.

To date, RM500,000 has been channeled into the project, which includes cost to install several garbage and grease traps at various locations along the Sungai Way river, approximately 600 metres apart.

You can make a difference

If the Sungai Way project proved anything, it is that everyone can play a part in ensuring our rivers are clean. The problem is, many Malaysians still treat rivers as convenient rubbish dumps, not knowing that in time it would affect them directly.

“More than ninety percent of our household water supply is extracted from our rivers and streams, and as such, urban sources of water pollution undermine the quality of our fresh water,” explained Renuka Indrarajah, Director of GAB Foundation’s Management Committee.

Fortunately, you can make a difference as an individual, and it’s not at all a difficult to do.

“All it takes to rehabilitate our appalling urban river networks to be community assets is for individuals to manage their rubbish so it doesn’t end up in our drains,” said Renuka.

“In fact, simple things like avoiding pouring oil or grease down the sinks and drains will help.”

Dr. Kali, Coordinator for the RIVER Care Programme of GEC agreed: “All it takes is to ensure that our household rubbish is not discarded into our drains or roadsides, because it would then eventually be washed into our rivers. We can install oil and grease traps in our sinks, and we can segregate our household waste.”

“Indeed, making a difference can be as simple as Reducing, Reusing and Recycling, the 3 Rs.”

About GAB Foundation

The Foundation’s objectives are to fund and support CSR initiatives that enrich the community in which Guinness Anchor Berhad (GAB) operates, focusing on three core areas – environmental conservation, education and community. Within these three key areas, the Foundation strives to identify causes that not only contribute significantly to improving and enriching the lives of deserving Malaysian individuals and communities, but also resonate with GAB corporate values of striving for excellence, acting with integrity and having a genuine respect for people, society and its diversity.

The management and administration of the Foundation is governed by a board of trustees made up of senior members of GAB’s management team and independent nominees. For more information on the GAB Foundation please visit

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