Forest & Coastal Programme


To support the protection and sustainable use of forests and wetlands through integrated management of biodiversity conservation, ecosystem-based risk reduction and climate change.

About Temuan Culture Information Centre (TCIC)

The Temuan Culture Information Centre (TCIC) is a one-stop referral centre that provides opportunities for the general public to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the culture and traditions of the Temuan Orang Asli in Malaysia.

There are also different ecotourism packages offering a variety of facilities and services to visitors, providing a comprehensive and immersive experience!

About CoSPeC

In 2018, GEC launched its first site office, the Community Sustainable Peatland Centre (CoSPeC) in Kampung Raja Musa, Kuala Selangor. 

The Centre aims to help the public especially the local community to understand intricate system of peat swamp forest and importance of protecting peatland for its priceless ecosystem and biodiversity as well as to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Forest & Coastal Programme


Project status: Ongoing
Forest & Coastal Programme

Empowering Community-Led Forest Rehabilitation in Various Ecosystem through Nature-based Solutions towards Climate Change Adaptation

The project aims to plant 12,000 trees at degraded peatland, mangrove and reservoir sites, through active community participation in Selangor and Melaka.

Project status: Ongoing
Social empowerment and sustainable livelihood strategies to enhance the rural economy for Orang Asli Temuan communities in Mukim Tanjung Duabelas, Kuala Langat District, Selangor
Forest & Coastal Programme

Social empowerment and sustainable livelihood strategies to enhance the rural economy for Orang Asli Temuan communities in Mukim Tanjung Duabelas, Kuala Langat District, Selangor

The project focuses on empowering and building the capacity of the Temuan Orang Asli communities towards social entrepreneurship to enhance the livelihood options of the communities.

Project status: Ongoing
Mangrove Conservation and Climate Action for Sustainable Living Programme in Kuala Muda, Kedah
Forest & Coastal Programme

Mangrove Conservation and Climate Action for Sustainable Living Programme in Kuala Muda, Kedah

The project aims to protect the remaining mangroves and rehabilitate degraded areas through tree planting and maintenance in Kuala Muda, Kedah.

Project status: Ongoing
Building Community-based Mangrove Conservation, Protection and Resilience to address Climate Change in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Forest & Coastal Programme

Building Community-based Mangrove Conservation, Protection and Resilience to address Climate Change in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

The project spans over four states in the West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and aims to address the mangrove degradation issues, reduce the effects of coastal erosion and deal with the issues of rising sea levels due to climate change at local level.

Project status: Ongoing
Nurturing Rural Resilience through Nature Based Solutions towards Climate Change Adaptation 2023
Forest & Coastal Programme

Nurturing Rural Resilience through Nature Based Solutions towards Climate Change Adaptation 2023

The project aims to plant 12,000 trees at degraded peatland, mangrove and rural village areas in Selangor with active community participation and develop community capacity to adapt to climate change.

Project status: Ongoing
Support the implementation of Mangrove Forest Ranger (MFR) Programme 2023-2025
Forest & Coastal Programme

Support the implementation of Mangrove Forest Ranger (MFR) Programme 2023-2025

The project aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of the importance of mangroves at the same time can protect and enhance their natural environment amongst the secondary and primary schools in Kota Tinggi District and nearby districts that have the potential to be involved in this environmental education programme.

Project status: Ongoing
Community-based Mangrove Conservation in Buruk Bakul Village, Indonesia & Mekong Delta, Viet Nam
Forest & Coastal Programme

Community-based Mangrove Conservation in Buruk Bakul Village, Indonesia & Mekong Delta, Viet Nam

The project focuses on mitigating the coastal erosion and rehabilitating 11 hectares of degraded mangroves with coastal communities in Riau Province in Sumatra, Indonesia and Soc Trang Province in the Lower Mekong Delta, Viet Nam.

Project status: Ongoing
Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Two Years Maintenance) In Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam
Forest & Coastal Programme

Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Two Years Maintenance) In Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam

Under this project, 4,000 trees will be planted on two hectares of degraded mangrove area in Tebuk Mendeleng within the first and second year including the maintenance. An additional planting of two hectares will be determined in the second year of the project period from 2022 to 2024.

Project status: Ongoing
Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme In Pulau Tanjung Surat, Johor
Forest & Coastal Programme

Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme In Pulau Tanjung Surat, Johor

GEC has partnered with Aramco Overseas Malaysia (AOM) Sdn. Bhd to carry out another 3 years of Aramco’s Malaysia mangrove planting initiative.

Project status: Ongoing
Recovery Project in Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor
Forest & Coastal Programme

Recovery Project in Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor

TH Plantations Berhad (THP) and GEC partners to protect and rehabilitate forests and peatlands in the north-eastern portion of Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor.

Project status: Ongoing
OCBC Bank’s Mangrove Tree Planting Project in Tebuk Mendeleng, Sabak Bernam Selangor
Forest & Coastal Programme

OCBC Bank’s Mangrove Tree Planting Project in Tebuk Mendeleng, Sabak Bernam Selangor

The project aims to plant 9,000 mangrove trees which approximately covers an area of 4.5 ha of mangrove forest in Tebuk Mendeleng, followed with monitor and nurture over the next three years.

Project status: Ongoing
Conservation of Southeast (SE) Portion of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF) Phase 1 - Bukit Belata (Ext.) Forest Reserve (BBEFR) 2020-2023
Forest & Coastal Programme

Conservation of Bukit Belata (Ext.) Forest Reserve (BBEFR)

The project focuses on the long-term protection and rehabilitation of the Bukit Belata (Ext.) Forest Reserve (BBEFR), which covers an area of 3,140ha of lowland dipterocarp and peat swamp forest, in the SE portion of the NSPSF. The project works directly with the targeted local communities at the selected site to establish mechanisms for their involvement in the conservation and sustainable use of the resource and assisting the Selangor State Forestry Department in enhancing engagement of local communities in the implementation of the Integrated Management Plan for North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (2014-2023).

Project status: Ongoing
Innisfree Malaysia - Green Forest Campaign
Forest & Coastal Programme

Innisfree Malaysia – Green Forest Campaign

An initiative taken by Innisfree Malaysia on a green campaign concerning the forest sustainability. The approach undertaken is via planting more trees to help sustain the habitat endangered species, climate change, quality of air and protecting peatland in sustainable manner.

Project status: Ongoing
Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Maintenance) In Sungai Limau, Lekir Perak
Forest & Coastal Programme

Mangrove Rehabilitation (Tree Planting & Maintenance) In Sungai Limau, Lekir Perak

The project aims to support mangrove forest conservation and rehabilitation in Sungai Limau, Manjung, Perak which can support the livelihood and welfare of the local communities while protecting and enhancing the surrounding mangrove ecosystem.

Project status: Completed
Sustainable Land Management in Sensitive Areas (Peatland)
Forest & Coastal Programme

Sustainable Land Management in Sensitive Areas (Peatland)

Through this project, Department of Agriculture and GEC are pioneering peatland sustainable management project in Johan Setia, Selangor and developing agriculture management guideline on peatlands.

Project status: Completed
Restoration of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest through Community-based Peatlands Water Management and Rehabilitation
Forest & Coastal Programme

Restoration of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest through Community-based Peatlands Water Management and Rehabilitation

The goal of this project is to rehabilitate Raja Musa Forest Reserve (RMFR) and Sungai Karang Forest Reserve (SKFR) in Selangor and strengthen stakeholders’ capacity in sustainable management and wise use of the forests.

Project status: Completed
Empowering Orang Asli Community in Sustainable Llivelihoods and Community Leadership Development in Mukim Tanjung Duabelas, Kuala Langat District, Selangor
Forest & Coastal Programme

Empowering Orang Asli Community in Sustainable Llivelihoods and Community Leadership Development in Mukim Tanjung Duabelas, Kuala Langat District, Selangor

The aim of this project is to support the improvement of the socioeconomic status of Orang Asli Temuan community in Kuala Langat District by tailoring strategic community empowerment and livelihood enhancement interventions.

Project status: Completed
Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood Programme in Kuala Gula – Kerian and Sitiawan – Manjung, Perak
Forest & Coastal Programme

Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood Programme in Kuala Gula – Kerian and Sitiawan – Manjung, Perak

About 61% of the 250 km of Perak’s coastline is under threats of coastal erosion due to the increase of sea levels and frequent storms that are linked to the alarming climate change.

Project status: Completed
Empowering Orang Asli in Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Peat Swamps in Selangor and Pahang
Forest & Coastal Programme

Empowering Orang Asli in Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Peat Swamps in Selangor and Pahang

This project aims to utilize the engagement of local Orang Asli in KLNFR and SEPPSF. Activities designed under this project will empower the local communities to help care for the forest as well as increase their capacity to generate alternative sustainable livelihood.

Project status: Completed
Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Sungai Johor, Malaysia
Forest & Coastal Programme

Community-based Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Sungai Johor, Malaysia

By implementing innovative community development programmes (capacity building + empowerment of local community), this project hopes to improve economic opportunities and improve social conditions of locals in a sustainable way.

Project status: Completed
Forest & Coastal Programme

Mangrove Planting in Kampung Dato Hormat in partnership with UPS Foundation

This project aimed to rehabilitate 2ha of the degraded mangrove area with local comunities participation at Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam.

Project status: Completed
Partnership in Conservation and Rehabilitation of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest - Phase 2
Forest & Coastal Programme

Partnership in Conservation and Rehabilitation of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest – Phase 2

The project aimed to conserve and support ongoing rehabilitation of 50 hectares of degraded areas in Forest Compartment 32 and 70 of Raja Musa Forest Reserve.  The project directly addresses one of Sime Darby Foundation’s key priorities – namely the protection and preservation of the high conservation value ecosystem is protected.

Project status: Completed
Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve Fire Prevention Initiatives
Forest & Coastal Programme

Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve Fire Prevention Initiatives

Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve is a 960 ha area of peat swamp forest. It supports the conservation of rare species of flora and fauna and has significant importance to local community and indigenous that have loved in the area and harvested its resources for many years. In 2014, more than 350 ha of the forest got burnt during the dry season.

Project status: Completed
Community based Recreational Fishery and Ecotourism in Sembilan Islands
Forest & Coastal Programme

Community based Recreational Fishery and Ecotourism in Sembilan Islands

The three year project focused on exploring opportunities for the indentification of community-based resource management areas.

Project status: Completed
Indigenous Community Participation in Peatland Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Work in Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)
Forest & Coastal Programme

Indigenous Community Participation in Peatland Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Work in Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)

This project aims to enhance engagement of local and indigenous communities residing near the forest reserve by creating opportunities through conserving the peat swamp forest ecosystem.

Project status: Completed
Participation of Friends of North Selangor Peatland Forest in Peat Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Adjacent to Raja Musa Forest Reserve
Forest & Coastal Programme

Participation of Friends of North Selangor Peatland Forest in Peat Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Adjacent to Raja Musa Forest Reserve

This project has resulted in the establishment of a local community group who are aware and concerned about the peat swamp forest degradation issues called Friends of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (FNSPSF); and development of peatland environmental education programme called Peatland Forest Ranger, to educate school children on the importance of environmental protection on peat swamp forest.

Project status: Completed
Partnership in Conservation and Rehabilitation of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest - Phase 2
Forest & Coastal Programme

Partnership in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Forest Compartment 32 & Forest Compartment 70 Boundary of Raja Musa Forest Reserve

Funded by Yayasan Sime Darby, the project objectives were to strengthen the efforts for fire prevention, rehabilitation and conservation of the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest.

Get involved with GEC

GEC strongly believes in sustainable projects and endeavours that align with the environment. By donating, you are supporting GEC’s work in rehabilitating and conserving the environment together with the local communities.

National River Care Fund

River Care Fund – Healthy
Rivers for a Healthier Society

Forest Care Fund

Forest Care Fund – Supporting Sustainable Management of Our Forests

GEC General Fund

Your donations/funds will be used entirely to drive environmental projects that GEC works on including community-based conservation and rehabilitation initiatives as well as environmental outreach.