Indigenous Community Participation in Peatland Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Work in Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)

Indigenous Community Participation in Peatland Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Work in Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)
Project status: Completed

Indigenous Community Participation in Peatland Water Management and Forest Rehabilitation Work in Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)

Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve is a 960 ha area of peat swamp forest. It supports the conservation of rare species of flora and fauna and has significant importance to local community and indigenous that have loved in the area and harvested its resources for many years. Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve is a forest reserve has been coming under increasing pressure by its surrounding development and large portions have been impacted by fire in recent years. This had led the area susceptible to peat fires and oxidization; indirectly contribute to carbon emission and global warming. In 2014, more than 350 ha of the forest got burnt during the dry season.

In 2017, GEC has entered a partnership with Boh Plantation and Gamuda Land to enhance engagement of local and indigenous communities residing near the forest reserve by creating opportunities through conserving the peat swamp forest ecosystem. KLNFR has multitude potential for conservation, education, recreation and ecotourism that can be leveraged by local and indigenous communities. The project also aims to implement Fire Management Plan and further reduce the degradation of the forest.

Target Groups: Local community, Orang Asli


  • Support empowerment of indigenous / local communities (or SHGKLU) towards conservation and rehabilitation of a peat swamp forest ecosystem in KLNFR
  • Improved livelihood of the communities.
  • Protect and enhance the surrounding landscape through sustainable development.
  • Awareness and education on the functions and values of KLNFR among the communities to support develop and maintain the sustainable management of peat swamp forest ecosystem.

Duration: 2019-2020

Project Progress:

Activity 1: Enhance the Sahabat Hutan Gambut Kuala Langat Utara in peat swamp management and reducing fire incident in peat swamp forest

Activity 2: Support the implementation of Forest Fire Management Plan for the KLNFR 2016-2021

Activity 3: Capacity building for Junior Peatland Forest Ranger to improve personal skill in term of communication, learning and awareness

Duration: 2017-2018

Status: Completed

Key Project Achievements:

Activity 1: Establishing Sahabat Hutan Gambut Selangor Selatan (SHGSS)

  • SSFD, GEC, BOH Plantation Sdn Bhd, Gamuda Land and JAKOA Kuala Langat Office successfully launched Sahabat Hutan Gambut Kuala Langat Utara (SHGKLU) in October 2018.

Activity 2: Supporting the implementation of Forest Fire Management Plan for KLNFR and KLSFR (2017 – 2021)

  • Successfully established a community tree nursery in February 2018 at Pulau Kempas managed by the SHGKLU indegenous community members from Pulau Kempas.
  • As of 2018,  the SHGKLU members have planted 6,000 trees rehabilitating 10 hectares of KLNFR.
  • Appointed 2 patrollers from indigenous community to undertake the forest patrolling and monitoring as well as eyes and ears for SSFD.  Among activities carried out by the patrollers includes, forest patrolling and monitoring, Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) signboard updates and water table monitoring.

Activity 3: Enhancing the engagement of primary school children in peat swamp forest conservation through Peat Swamp Forest Ranger (PFR) Programme

  • Successfully organised a Junior Peatland Forest Ranger (JPFR) camp on the 10th – 12th August 2018 in Kampung Endah Homestay involving students from SKA Busut Baru & SKA Bkt Cheeding.


Duration: 2015 – 2018

Status: Completed

Key Project Achievements:

  • The production of Forest Fire Management Plan for the Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR) & Kuala Langat South Forest Reserve (KLSFR)
  • Establishment of Sahabat Hutan Gambut Kuala Langat Utara (SHGKLU)
  • Designed and installed 5 units Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) signboards as an early warning system to monitor the area and time when the fire index indicates moderate, high or extreme level.
  • Established a patrol team consists of 2-motorbike riders who patrol around KLNFR for 3 to 4 days per week and monitor along the forest buffers for open burning as well as adjust the FDRS readings.
  • Chief Minister of Selangor State Government gave appreciation award to the sponsors (BOH Plantation Sdn Bhd and Gamuda Land) as a recognition on the 9th May 2016.
  • The tree nursery at Pulau Kempas has produced 8,000 saplings for tree planting activities at KLNFR.
  • Installed 12 canal blocks and five units of piezometers. The four canal blocks were built along the KLNFR boundaries adjacent to the Gamuda Land site and the other four were built at Kg. Busut Baru behind the KLNFR boundaries.
  • Planted over 7,500 tree saplings in 10 ha joined by more than 500 participants.
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