Recovery Project in Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor

Recovery Project in Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor
Project status: Ongoing

Recovery Project in Gunung Arong Forest Reserve, Johor

TH Plantations Berhad (THP) and GEC in collaboration with Johor State Forestry Department form a partnership to restore and protect 4,300 ha in the northeast portion of Gunung Arong Forest Reserve (GAFR). The forest reserve mainly consists of lowland forest with approximately 1,500 ha of peat swamp forest/peatland.

The project will work directly with the targeted local communities at the selected site to establish mechanisms and incentives for their involvement in the conservation and sustainable use of the area.


The main objectives include:

  • To develop a management strategy for the site using a landscape management approach and participation of relevant stakeholders and enhance the protection of the area;
  • Rehabilitation of degraded areas through re-wetting, assisted natural regeneration and selected tree planting in the site; and
  • Support engagement of local communities and other stakeholders in fire prevention, forest rehabilitation, education and public awareness and sustainable livelihoods.
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