Restoration of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest through Community-based Peatlands Water Management and Rehabilitation

Restoration of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest through Community-based Peatlands Water Management and Rehabilitation
Project status: Completed

Restoration of North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest through Community-based Peatlands Water Management and Rehabilitation

Global Environment Centre (GEC) and HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd have been in a long-term partnership (since 2011) rehabilitating North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF) through various community-based rehabilitation and protection initiatives.

In 2022, the partnership renewed as the bank made a sizable contribution of RM500,000 to rehabilitate Raja Musa Forest Reserve (RMFR) and Sungai Karang Forest Reserve (SKFR) located within the NSPSF through community-based peatlands water management and rehabilitation.

The project aims to promote sustainable management and wise use of peatlands in NSPSF to sustain local livelihoods; reduce risk of fire and associated haze and greenhouse gas emissions; contribute to local and global environmental management initiatives; and generate benefits for present and future generations.


  • To enhance the implementation of Integrated Management Plan for North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (2014 – 2023) and surrounding areas through strengthening the capacity of local community, multi-stakeholder partnerships, and testing of innovative approaches and rehabilitation in selected project sites.

Key Activities:

  • Activity 1: Rewetting and forest rehabilitation in RMFR & SKFR
  • Activity 2: Capacity building for stakeholders and establishment of forest protection groups
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