Tree Planting at the Raja Musa Peat Swamp Forest Reserve

Live radio interview with Suzana Mohkeri

The Raja Musa Peat Swamp Forest Reserve has, over the past ten years, seen more than 500 hectares of the reserve illegally cleared and burnt for farming activities. This has caused major environmental hazards such as haze and the release of thousands of tonnes of greenhouses gases, which contribute to climate change.

The Selangor government has recognized the need to conserve this site, and the first community-based peat forest rehabilitation programme is currently being implemented in collaboration with Global Environment Centre, the Sai Council, the Selangor Forestry Department and other NGO’s.

Suzana Mohkeri, Coordinator of the Outreach and Partnerships Programme at the Global Environment Centre (GEC) tells us more about peat swamps, the ‘Grow a Peat Forest’ programme and how you can be apart of it.

Listen to the live interview

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