Empowering Targeted Orang Asli Communities in Natural Resource Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood

Empowering Targeted Orang Asli Communities in Natural Resource Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood
Project status: Completed

Empowering Targeted Orang Asli Communities in Natural Resource Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood

The Orang Asli (OA) communities in Peninsular Malaysia are marginalized in term of access to basic services (water, electricity, health, education, etc) and natural resources.

This project will assist targeted OA communities in Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape in Pekan, Ulu Kinta Basin in Perak and Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve in Selangor. The targeted Orang Asli communities has the closest contact with the forest, rivers and peatlands. They will be empowered on the roles they can take to sustainably manage forest, peatland and water resources. The project is also targeted to build capacity of the Orang Asli in land and natural resource management.

The project will also help to introduce additional sustainable livelihoods related to better stewardship of natural resources and improved access to clean and safe water and new products such as honey, organic produce, bamboo and ecotourism.


The overall aim of this project is to empower targeted Orang Asli communities on natural resource conservation and sustainable livelihoods. Below are the specific objectives that the project aims to accomplish:

  • Support Orang Asli livelihood and peatland rehabilitation at the western portion of the Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape in Pekan, Pahang
  • Strengthen Orang Asli community action in catchment forest and water resource protection in Upper Kinta Basin in Perak
  • Strengthen rehabilitation of peat swamp forest and livelihood improvement by Sahabat Hutan Gambut Kuala Langat Utara (SHGKLU), Selangor
  • Facilitate capacity building of Orang Asli communities through training and exchanges

Project Output:

Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape (SEPPL)

    • The OA communities are involved in the installation of Fire Danger Rating System (FDRS) at the forest land. They are empowered on the projection of FDRS and community awareness.
    • The Village Committee of Kampung Simpai have been briefed on awareness and the best management practices particularly on fire prevention measures for oil palm on peatland.
    • 5 representatives from the Village Committee and residents of Kampung Simpai attended a field class on the best management practices for oil palm on peatlands.
    • 13 OA communities have been engaged in alternative sustainable livelihood options.
    • 9 households received kitchen stoves as welfare improvement and to reduce dependency on fuelwood burning.
    • Road improvement through culvert installation has been conducted and is benefitting 3 families from being affected by the frequent flood from a nearby canal.
    • 15 OA communities from 3 houses get to enjoy clean water and electricity supply through installation of multi-purpose solar power system.

Upper Kinta Basin in Perak

    • 138 OA communities were actively participated to implement initiatives related to Upper Kinta Basin Management Strategy (UKBMAS).
    • 26 OA communities have been trained and are currently monitoring river and forest to protect the catchment.
    • One Stop Education Centre (OSEC) is in the process of establishment.
    • 78 OA communities are working together to establish eco-tourism programme within UKB.
    • Successfully established a community-based nursery in Kampung Tonggang. So far, there are 50 bamboo saplings planted at identifies eroded areas.

Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR)

    • Sahabat Hutan Gambut Kuala Langat Utara (SHGKLU) has nurtured and prepared tree saplings for the upcoming planting activities. More than 3,000 trees were raised including peatland species such as Melicope lunu-ankenda (Gaertn.) T.G.Hartley, Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. and Eugenia papillose Duthie.

Peer-to-peer learning

    • Conducted a peer learning visit to Taman Negara Endau-Rompin Johor and Kampung Peta from 18 – 20 September 2020 to facilitate exchange of information, knowledge, skills, expertise and experience in mainstreaming sustainable use and management of natural resources into economy generating activities.


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