Rehabilitation of Taman Aman Lake

Project status: Ongoing

Rehabilitation of Taman Aman Lake

Malaysia’s lakes and reservoirs are significant water resources that support the nation’s socioeconomic development. In addition to serving as water sources and hydropower generators, lakes play a crucial role in providing freshwater habitats and natural flood mitigation.

Lake restoration is therefore critical, especially in urban areas. GEC promotes community-based lake restoration, recognising that human involvement and soft approaches are just as vital as hard engineering solutions.

At present, Taman Aman Lake primarily serves as a flood retention area, with recreational use as its secondary function. The lake retains water, with active outflow occurring during heavy precipitation when the water overflows. Due to low water inflow, the lake is prone to water quality issues caused by runoff from surrounding catchments. Like many urban lakes, Taman Aman Lake experiences excessive algal and aquatic plant growth caused by high nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) levels from polluted runoff.

Reviving Taman Aman Lake is essential to improve its water quality and restore its ability to support recreational use, ensuring it meets its full potential as a valuable community resource.


The main objective is to rehabilitate Taman Aman Lake through nature-based solutions, lake ecosystem health concept and smart partnerships with key stakeholders.

The sub-objectives are:

  • To assess lake conditions;
  • To implement nature-based solutions as well as pollution control initiatives;
  • To enhance water quality and biological aspects of the lake;
  • To promote ownership and sense of belonging by involving relevant stakeholders; and
  • To encourage stakeholders especially the local communities to adopt, protect and monitor the lakes.
Key Activities
  • Project and stakeholder consultation.
  • Conduct rapid environmental assessment within the Taman Aman Lake.
  • Conduct lake health assessment at selected area as a baseline data.
  • Pollution management at the source.
  • Lake restoration activities through Nature-based Solution (NbS).
  • Implement community-based initiatives and lake education through empowerment activities.
  • Organise a major lake education and clean-up event.
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