Technical Assistance and Knowledge Exchange for Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems in Malaysia (TAKE-SMPEM) project is designed to provide technical assistance for project implementation to the Global Environment Facility 6 (GEF6) SMPEM.
The project aims to provide strategic technical guidance to support the development of policies, plans, guidelines and investment frameworks for sustainable peatland management (SPM) in Malaysia. In addition, the project will facilitate engagement of non-state actors (private sector, civil society organisations and local communities) in sustainable peatland management and alternative livelihoods in the targeted peatland landscapes, and support multi-stakeholder engagement and partnership.
Note: Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems in Malaysia (SMPEM)” is a four-year project executed by the Government of Malaysia and under the supervision of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. The project aims to strengthen national policy and institutional capacity for implementing peatland related strategies and plans and to enhance integrated sustainable peatland management in targeted landscapes.
Project Goal:
To provide technical assistance for the sustainable management of peatlands in Malaysia, and facilitate SPM knowledge exchange in Southeast Asia and with Africa through SSTC.
Project Development Objectives:
- To provide technical assistance for the development of policies, plans, guidelines and investment frameworks for sustainable peatland management in Malaysia;
- To strengthen community participation in sustainable peatland management and sustainable alternative livelihoods in the targeted peatland landscapes in Malaysia; and
- To enhance knowledge exchange and understanding on SPM in Southeast Asia and Africa through SSTC
- Peatlands International - Rehabilitating the Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape with the Jakuns
- Peatland Rehabilitation Through Multi-Stakeholder Partnership: Creating Better Livelihood for Community in Malaysia
- Peatland Management Based on Local Based on Local Wisdom in Giam Siak Kecil Landscape in Riau Province, Indonesia
- Pertanian Lahan Gambut Tanpa Bakar Oleh Masyarakat
North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest (NSPSF)
Map of NSPSF showing forest types

South Selangor Peatland Landscape (SSPL)
Map of South Selangor peatland landscape (SSPL) which covers 50,000 ha.

Southeast Pahang Peatland Landscape (SEPPL)
Map of Southeast Pahang Peat Swamp Forest (Source: Pahang State Forestry Department, 2017) which comprises 230,000ha of peatlands

Klias Peninsula Peatland Landscape (KPPL)
Land use at Klias Peninsula Peatland Landscape
[Note: oil palm (pink), peat swamp forest and mangrove (dark green), dryland forest (pale green), degraded grassland (yellow)]

Maludam Peninsula Peatland Landscape (MPPL)
Map of Maludam National Park with locations of the villages. It is the largest Totally Protected Peat Swamp Forest in Sarawak gazetted in May, 2000.