Empowering Communities to Enhance Livelihood through Ecotourism and Food Security

Project status: Ongoing

Empowering Communities to Enhance Livelihood through Ecotourism and Food Security

This project aims to enhance and replicate the community-based ecotourism and food security model, successfully implemented under the Hasanah Special Grant (HSG) 2021 in Kampung Tonggang and KRT Klebang Selatan in the Kinta River Basin, to other communities.

The communities are namely, Kampung Orang Asli Kenang in Sungai Siput, Kuala Kangsar, Perak and a new community group in the Klang Valley, Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Lagong in Selangor.

Kampung Tonggang, known for its ecotourism success, will benefit from upgraded facilities and expanded promotional efforts, with the model being replicated in Kampung Orang Asli Kenang. Similarly, the food security model from KRT Klebang Selatan will be adapted and expanded to new communities in the Klang Valley, particularly the Orang Asli community in Bukit Lagong.

The project aims to equip these B40 communities with the necessary knowledge, skills and economic models to enhance food production, generate income and improve livelihoods. By fostering ecotourism and establishing sustainable community-based gardens, this initiative will create resilient, income-generating models for food security, further empowering marginalised groups and promoting long-term environmental and economic sustainability.

  • To enhance and promote ecotourism initiatives at Kampung Tonggang (Kayuh D’ Tonggang) and Kampung Makmur as well as initiate new ecotourism initiatives at Kampung Orang Asli Kenang.
  • To replicate community garden to selected indigenous community (Orang Asli) within the Klang Valley.
Key Activities: 
  • Organise three (3) promotional trips to Mount Korbu operated by the OA group, supported by Malim Gunung Perak.
  • Promote and organise three (3) promotional activities on the half-day recreational package with the OA group as a guided tour.
  • Support and enhance the business operation and guidance.
  • Replicate the success model and establish community-based new ecotourism for Orang Asli Kampung Kenang, Perak.
  • Development of a business plan for overall ecotourism initiatives and promotion activities including launching.
  • Establish two (2) new environmental-based activities (such as inflatable canoeing, tree climbing, etc.) as part of additional attraction and promotion of Kayuh D’ Tonggang.
  • Promote and organise three (3) promotional activities for public, educational institutions, members of Friends of Kinta River Basin (FOKiRB) and other potential stakeholders /groups.
  • Support and enhance current business operation which includes the maintenance and guidance of the overall Kayuh D’ Tonggang initiatives.
  • Establish and enhance the traditional landed community-based nursery with a dripping irrigation system and introduce aquaponic planting system for the Orang Asli Bukit Lagong Community, Selangor.
  • Enhance community income through food production and sales i.e. by locally produced food supply for local communities, mainly Orang Asli Bukit Lagong.
  • Establish a community-based tree nursery for the Orang Asli Bukit Lagong Community mainly for selected local forest species saplings which are in demand to generate income.
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