Conservation and Restoration Projects at Cyberjaya Lake Gardens

Project status: Ongoing

Conservation and Restoration Projects at Cyberjaya Lake Gardens

Community-based ecological enhancement of Cyberjaya Lake Gardens, Malaysia

This phase focuses on the ecological enhancement of Cyberjaya Lake Gardens, particularly the 15 acres (6.1ha) of lake at the centre of the lake garden and the surrounding area. This area is popular for recreational purposes among the local residences and students from nearby universities and will benefit from the ecological enhancement of the area which will improve water quality, increase biodiversity and at the same time serve as an education site.

Nature-based solutions will be the key aspect of the project implementation: wetlands for water filtration, biofilters for stormwater treatment and biodiversity improvement through habitat creation and the establishment of a pollinator plant garden, including the incorporation of the citizen science approach for community engagement. In addition, a rapid environmental assessment study will be conducted to identify the causes of and mitigation approaches to degradation and pollution issues.


July 2023 – June 2025

  • Determine the existing state of flora and fauna in the area and potential threats (degradation and pollution) through a rapid environmental assessment.
  • Lake restoration through nature-based solutions such as wetlands and biofilters.
  • Biodiversity improvement through habitat creation.
  • Raise awareness and empower communities through environmental education and volunteering opportunities.
  • Stakeholder consultation
  • Rapid environmental assessment
  • Wetland cell and biofilter installation
  • Tree planting
  • Local fish release
  • Pollinator garden establishment
  • Monitoring and data collection
  • Environmental education programme
  • Volunteering activities
Expected outcomes:
  • Improved water quality and biodiversity in Cyberjaya Lake Garden through establishment of wetland cells, biofilter, pollinator garden, tree planting and local fish release.
  • Greater awareness amongst public on the functions of Cyberjaya Lake Garden beyond recreational purposes.

Cyberjaya Lake Gardens Natural Wetland Conservation and Restoration Programme

This phase of the project focuses on protecting and restoring the natural wetland area that exists within Cyberjaya Lake Gardens. There is a concern that if the area is not sustainably managed and conserved, it might lead to further degradation of the ecosystem and the biodiversity that it supports.

Therefore, this project will look at establishing a wetland nursery from which wetland plants will be used to enhance and expand the existing natural wetland area through planting activities. It also aims yo utilise the existing natural environment for educational purposes through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail.

With the establishment of the trail and the development of the Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme, the public will be able to learn about the various terrestrial and wetland flora and fauna which exist within Cyberjaya Lake Garden and the importance of protecting them to raise awareness and ownership.


January 2024 – December 2026

  • Conserve and restore the existing natural wetland within Cyberjaya Lake Garden through the establishment of a native wetland plant nursery and introducing more wetland island/cells.
  • Promote the wetland area for recreational and educational purposes through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail.
  • Develop the Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme to educate the public on the importance of protecting the ecosystem and raise awareness.


  • Establishment of wetland nursery.
  • Implementation of wetland islands/cells.
  • World Wetland Day celebration.
  • Cyberjaya Lake Garden Biodiversity Trail establishment.
  • Development of Cyberjaya Natural Wetland.
  • Conservation and Interpretation Programme.
Expected outcomes:
  • Protection and expansion of the natural wetland area with improved biodiversity.
  • Greater awareness amongst the public on the functions of the wetland area and importance of protecting it.
  • The wetland area functioning as an education site through the establishment of the Cyberjaya Lake. Garden Biodiversity Trail and Cyberjaya Natural Wetland Conservation and Interpretation Programme.

Cyberjaya Lake Gardens – River Restoration and Education Programme

The project focuses on an area encompassing 15 acres (6.1 hectares) along the main lake and 29 acres (12 hectares) of natural wetland. It focuses on enhancing biodiversity and protecting the health of the stream within Cyberjaya Lake Gardens.

Key activities include wetland planting, reintroducing riffles and native fish species. Wetland plants play a vital role in filtering pollutants, providing habitat for macroinvertebrates, and serving as a food source for various fauna. The reintroduction of riffles will increase dissolved oxygen levels in the water, improving stream health and its ability to support aquatic life.

A significant feature of the project is the establishment of a River Open Classroom, an outdoor education site dedicated to environmental learning. This unique classroom offers hands-on experiences in water and biodiversity monitoring and provides an engaging platform for educating the public, especially youth, on the vibrant characteristics of a living and healthy river ecosystem.


October 2024 – December 2026

  • To establish a River Open Classroom for environmental education programmes.
  • To improve the stream’s water quality as it receives water as runoff from surrounding developed areas before it flows into a flood retention pond.
  • To improve ecosystem health by mainstreaming biodiversity.
Key Activities:
  • The restoration and enhancement of the stream through planting local native wetland plants, riparian plants, re-introducing local native fish species and riffles.
  • Environmental education programme at the River Open Classroom where hands-on activities such as water sampling, water monitoring, bio-monitoring and river health mapping can be conducted while experiencing the natural and man-made characteristics of the environment in a natural and built-in setting.
  • Organise awareness events such as World Rivers Day.
Expected Outcomes:
  • Enhancement of the stream to improve water quality and better supports the aquatic life in the stream.
  • River Open Classroom established and used as the site for environmental education programmes, particularly river water quality and biodiversity monitoring.
  • Biodiversity mainstreamed in the management of the area resulting in improved flora and fauna biodiversity
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