Citizen Science Engagement Through River Adoption & Monitoring

Project status: Ongoing

Citizen Science Engagement Through River Adoption & Monitoring

The project focuses on empowering the local community on issues that contribute to the river care management including river monitoring and citizen science initiatives.

Mainstreaming biodiversity into river management approach will also be given emphasis including mechanisms in river monitoring and pollution management to conserve aquatic ecosystems with nature-based solutions.

The project also aims to foster a network of smart cooperation between different stakeholders to preserve, conserve and monitor rivers and waste management for river care sustainability.

  • To educate and create awareness among selected communities on conservation of water resources – by implementing internal and external Best Management Practices and to secure alternative water supply, conserve water resources and in addressing river pollution issues;
  • To tackle issues contributing to the water resource management – impact of pollution, waste generation and pollution at grass root level through river monitoring and citizen scientist initiatives;
  • Mainstreaming Biodiversity into riverine management – to secure water resource and develop a mechanism in river monitoring and pollution management to regenerate the aquatic ecosystem with nature-based solutions; and
  • SMART Network – to engage and connect same minded and interested key players to establish network and commitment towards river restoration, conservation, monitoring and waste management.
Project Phases
  • Phase 1 (2022): Engagement of River Action Community at Section 14 PJ
  • Phase 2 (2023): Outreach for Communities at Section 14 / Section 19 PJ
  • Phase 3 (2024): Sustainability Phase
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