Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems in Mekong Countries (The Mekong Peatlands Project)

Sustainable Management of Peatland Ecosystems in Mekong Countries (The Mekong Peatlands Project)

At the regional level, the project seeks to unite important government officials and decision-makers during ASEAN-level forums. The goal is to strengthen regional cooperation, exchange knowledge and experiences, and promote the creation of shared guidelines and approaches for conserving and sustainably utilizing peatland resources.

Aim/Objectives: To sustainably manage peatland ecosystems in targeted countries and to conserve biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission.

Key Outcomes:

    • Assessing and documenting peatland ecosystems in the three countries;
    • strengthening institutional capacity and enabling policy and legal frameworks for sustainable peatland management at local, national and sub-regional levels, and;
    • demonstrating sustainable peatland management practices that conserve biodiversity, reduce GHG emissions and strengthen sustainable livelihoods for local communities.
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